

性别: 男

部门: 生物材料与组织工程系

电话: 15620047851

办公地址: 津南校区综合实验楼B513

职称: 副教授

招生专业: 生物化学与分子生物学,生物工程

邮箱: midgleyac@nankai.edu.cn

通讯地址: 津南校区综合实验楼B513


英国卡迪夫大学医学院博士毕业,在威尔士肾脏研究单位从事博士后研究。2018年加入南开大学,2020年被任命为副教授。他的主要研究兴趣是将分子和细胞生物学应用于治疗性生物材料和纳米药物的设计。研究目标包括预防和逆转内脏器官纤维化(肾脏、肝脏、肺、心血管等),实现慢性伤口无疤痕伤口愈合,以及研究新的纤维化靶点。在 Sci Signal、J Am Soc Nephrol、Bioactive Mater、Adv Mater、Appl Mater Today、J Biol Chem等SCI杂志发表论文 >70 余篇。其中,第一份或通讯作者SCI杂志发表论文 >25 余篇。作为项目负责人主持国家自然科学基金3项。konglab.nankai.edu.cn(实验室网站)


(2010.10 – 2013.10) 博士学位分子与实验医学英国威尔士卡迪夫大学生物医学与生命科学学院医学院; (2009.10 - 2010.10) 理学硕士组织工程与再生英国威尔士卡迪夫大学牙科学院; (2006.10 – 2009.06) 理学学士生物医学英国威尔士卡迪夫大学生物科学学院


(2020.06 - 现在) 副教授天津市南开大学生命科学学院,生物活性材料教育部重点实验室; (2019.01 - 现在) 国家自然科学基金委员会研究员天津市南开大学生命科学学院,徐荣祥再生生命科学中心,药物化学生物学国家重点实验室; (2018.03 - 2020.06) 博士后研究助理天津市南开大学生命科学学院,徐荣祥再生生命科学中心,药物化学生物学国家重点实验室; (2013.10 - 2018.01) 博士后研究助理英国威尔士卡迪夫大学生物医学与生命科学学院,感染与免疫学系,威尔士肾脏研究室










Gu XR; Tai Y; Liu Z; Zhang X; Liu K; Zhou LY; Yin WJ; Deng YX; Kong D; Midgley AC*; Zuo XC*. (2024) Layer-by-layer Assembly of Renal-targeted Polymeric Nanoparticles for Robust Arginase-2 Knockdown and Contrast-induced Acute Kidney Injury Prevention. Advanced Healthcare Materials. e2304675. DOI: 10.1002/adhm.202304675.


Li L; Cao J; Li S; Cui T; Ni J; Zhang H; Zhu Y; Mao J; Gao X*; Midgley AC*; Zhu M*; Fan G*. (2023) M2 Macrophage-Derived sEV Regulate Pro-Inflammatory CCR2+ Macrophage Subpopulations to Favor Post-AMI Cardiac Repair. Advanced Science. 10(14):2202964.

Yan H#; Cheng Q#; Si J; Wang S; Wan Y; Kong X; Wang T; Zheng W; Rafique M; Li X; He J; Midgley AC*; Zhu Y; Wang K*; Kong D. (2023) Functionalization of in vivo tissue-engineered living biotubes enhance patency and endothelization without the requirement of systemic anticoagulant administration. Bioactive Materials, 26:292-305.

Zhuang J#; Midgley AC#; Wei Y; Liu Q; Kong D*; Huang X*. (2023) Machine Learning‐assisted Nanozyme Design: Lessons from Materials and Engineered Enzymes. Advanced Materials, :2210848. [Review]


Wu Z; Midgley AC*; Kong D*; Ding D. (2022) Organic persistent luminescence imaging for biomedical applications. Materials Today Bio, 17:100481. [Review]

Wang H; Xing M; Deng W; Qian M; Wang F; Wang K; Midgley AC*; Zhao Q*. (2022) Anti-Sca-1 antibody-functionalized vascular grafts improve vascular regeneration via selective capture of endogenous vascular stem/progenitor cells. Bioactive Materials, 16:433-450.

Midgley AC*; Zhao Q*. (2022) CD44 receptor diversity and potential in preventative and regenerative therapies. Clinical and Translational Discovery, 2(2):e78. [Commentary]

Gu X; Liu Z; Tai Y; Zhou LY; Liu K; Kong D*; Midgley AC*; Zuo XC*. (2022) Hydrogel and nanoparticle carriers for kidney disease therapy: trends and recent advancements. Progress in Biomedical Engineering, 4(2):022006. [Review]

Qi C; Liu X; Zhi D; Tai Y; Liu Y; Sun Q; Wang K; Wang S*; Midgley AC*; Kong D*. (2022) Exosome-mimicking nanovesicles derived from efficacy-potentiated stem cell membrane and secretome for regeneration of injured tissue, Nano Research, 15(2):1680-1690.

Midgley AC; Bowen T*. (2022) Analysis of Human Hyaluronan Synthase Gene Transcriptional Regulation and Downstream Hyaluronan Cell Surface Receptor Mobility in Myofibroblast Differentiation. Methods Mol Biol, 2303:453-468.


Zhang L#; Tai Y#; Liu X; Liu Y; Dong Y; Liu Y; Yang C; Kong D; Qi C*; Wang S*; Midgley AC*(2021) Natural polymeric and peptide-loaded composite wound dressings for scar prevention. Applied Materials Today, 25:101186.

Sun Q; Shen Z; Liang X; He Y; Kong D; Midgley AC*; Wang K*. (2021) Progress and Current Limitations of Materials for Artificial Bile Duct Engineering. Materials, 14(23):7468. [Review]

Yang S; Zheng X; Qian M; Wang H; Wang F; Wei Y; Midgley AC*; He J; Tian H*; Zhao Q*. (2021) Nitrate-Functionalized poly(ε-Caprolactone) Small-Diameter Vascular Grafts Enhance Vascular Regeneration via Sustained Release of Nitric Oxide. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 9:770121.

Tai Y#; Woods EL#; Dally J; Kong D; Steadman R; Moseley R*; Midgley AC*.(2021) Myofibroblasts: Function, Formation, and Scope of Molecular Therapies for Skin Fibrosis. Biomolecules, 11(8):1095. [Review]

Zhang L; Yan H; Tai Y; Xue Y; Wei Y; Wang K; Zhao Q; Wang S*; Kong D; Midgley AC*. (2021) Design and Evaluation of a Polypeptide that Mimics the Integrin Binding Site for EDA Fibronectin to Block Profibrotic Cell Activity. International Journal of Molecular Science, 22(4):1575.


Midgley AC*; Wei Y; Zhu D; Gao F; Yan H; Khalique A; Luo W; Jiang H; Liu X; Guo J; Zhang C; Feng G; Wang K; Bai X; Ning W; Yang C; Zhao Q; Kong D.* (2020) Multifunctional natural polymer nanoparticles as antifibrotic gene carriers for chronic kidney disease therapy. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 31(10):ASN.2019111160.

Midgley AC#; Woods EL#; Roberts T; Jenkins RH; Hascall V; Steadman R; Phillips AO; Meran S*. (2020) Hyaluronidase-2 Regulates RhoA Signalling, Myofibroblast Contractility and other Key Pro-fibrotic Myofibroblast Functions. American Journal of Pathology,190(6):1236-1255.


Midgley AC#; Wei Y#; Li Z; Kong D; Zhao Q*. (2019) Nitric-Oxide-Releasing Biomaterial Regulation of the Stem Cell Microenvironment in Regenerative Medicine. Advanced Materials, 32(3):1805818. [Review]

Dally J; Khan JS; Voisey A; Charalambous C; John HL; Woods EL; Steadman R; Moseley R; Midgley AC* (2017) Hepatocyte Growth Factor mediates enhanced wound healing responses and resistance to Transforming Growth Factor-beta1-driven myofibroblast differentiation in oral mucosal fibroblasts. International Journal of Molecular Science18(9):1843.

Midgley AC, Oltean S; Hascall V; Woods EL; Steadman R; Phillips AO; Meran S*. (2017) Nuclear Hyaluronidase 2 drives alternative splicing of CD44 pre-mRNA to dictate pro-fibrotic or anti-fibrotic cell phenotype. Science Signaling, 10(506):eaao1822.

Midgley AC*; Morris G; Phillips AO; Steadman R*. (2016) 17β-estradiol ameliorates age-associated loss of fibroblast function by attenuating IFN-γ/STAT1-dependent miR-7 upregulationAging Cell, 15(3):531-41.

Midgley AC; Bowen T*. (2015) Analysis of human hyaluronan synthase gene transcriptional regulation and downstream hyaluronan cell surface receptor mobility in myofibroblast differentiation. Methods Mol Biol, Glycosaminoglycans Part II, 1229:605-618.

Midgley AC; Duggal L; Jenkins R; Hascall V; Steadman R; Phillips AO; Meran S*. (2015) Hyaluronan regulates Bone Morphogenetic Protein-7 dependent prevention and reversal of myofibroblast phenotype. J Biol Chem, 290(18):11218-34.

Midgley AC; Bowen T; Phillips AO; Steadman R*. (2014) MicroRNA-7 inhibition rescues age-associated loss of epidermal growth factor receptor and hyaluronan-dependent differentiation in fibroblasts. Aging Cell, 13:235-244.

Midgley AC; Rogers M; Hallett MB; Clayton A; Bowen T; Phillips AO; Steadman R*. (2013) TGF-β1-stimulated fibroblast to myofibroblast differentiation is mediated by HA-facilitated EGFR and CD44 colocalisation in lipid rafts. J Biol Chem, 288(21):14824-14838.

专利 Patents

1. Application date: 2020/12/24; Authorisation date: ----/--/--; Inventors: 孔德领, 亚当·米德格利; Description:一种小型阻断肽的没计筛选方法及其用于合成纤维化疾病治疗药物的应用 (202011572701.4); Country: China; Status: Applied; Type: 发明专利

2. Application date: 2021/04/09; Authorisation date: 2023/02/28; Inventors: 王淑芳, 亚当·米德格利, 张琳, 孔德领; Description:一种防疤痕皮肤创伤修复用水凝胶及其制备方法 (ZL202110380295.X); Country: China; Status: Authorised; Type: 发明专利

3. Application date: 2023/09/12; Authorisation date: ----/--/--; Inventors: 亚当·米德格利; 孔德领; 台逸凡; 刘震; Description:一种多功能逐层组装复合纳米颗粒基因载体的制备方法 (202311172849.2; Country: China; Status: Applied; Type: 发明专利


Fibrosis Editorial Board Member (2023-今);

Biomolecules Guest Editor for Journal Special Issue  (2021, 2023);

International Society for Applied Cardiovascular Biology (ISACB) 年轻会员 (2024/06-今);

Chinese Society for Biomaterials 会员 (2022/04-今);

European Tissue Repair Society 会员 (2017/03-2021/03); 

Biochemical Society 早期职业会员 (2016/05-2020/05); 

Cardiff Institute of Tissue Engineering and Repair 会员 (2009/10-2018/01)。

Nature Communications, Advanced Materials, Bioactive Materials, Materials Today Bio, Kidney International, 等的同行评审员


博士生导师, 南开大学 (2024-今);

参加 [2023南开大学本科教育教学改革项目 - 生物学科全英文专业核心课程群建设] (2023-2024);

Lecturer on the [高级英文生物化学] BSc elective course, 南开大学 (2022-今);

Lecturer on the [International and Intercultural Dialogue] BSc elective course, 南开大学 (2022-2023);

硕士生导师, 南开大学 (2020-今);

硕士生导师, 英国卡迪夫大学 (2013-2018);

Lecturer on the [MSc Human Tissue Engineering and Regeneration] course: [Cell Culture] and [Bioengineering the Kidney], 英国卡迪夫大学 (2016-2018)

Lecturer on the [BSc Biomedical Sciences] course: [Bioengineering the Kidney], 英国卡迪夫大学 (2017-2018)







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