

性别: 男

部门: 植物生物学和生态学系

电话: 13034330634

办公地址: 南开大学 第四教学楼 313室

职称: 教授

招生专业: 植物学

邮箱: Songgu@nankai.edu.cn

通讯地址: 天津市 卫津路94号 南开大学 生命科学学院


1995—2001年间在日本国立鸟取大学留学,先后获得硕士和博士学位;2001年—2004在日本国立环境研究所做博士后研究;2005年以来任教于南开大学生命科学学院,教授,博士生导师。主要从事陆地生态系统的CO2/H2O收支及能量平衡的相关研究,并于2001年在青藏高原高寒草甸生态系统建立了我国第一套进行长期监测碳/水收支和能量平衡的涡度相关系统,近年主要在青藏高原三江源区高寒草甸开展相关研究。在国内外学术期刊上发表论文100余篇,其中在Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Global Change Biology, Journal of geophysical Research 等国际期刊上发表论文30余篇。曾入选中国科学院“百人计划”研究员。








1. Lifeng Zhang, Zhiguang Chen, Xiang Zhang, Liang Zhao, Qi Li, Dongdong Chen, Yanhong Tang, Song Gu*, Evapotranspiration and Its Partitioning in Alpine Meadow of Three-River Source Region on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Water, 2021, doi.org/10.3390/w13152061

2. Lifeng Zhang, Daniel R. Schlaepfer, Nina Chen, Song Gu*, William K. Lauenroth*, Comparison of AET partitioning and water balance between degraded meadow and artificial pasture in Three-River Source Region on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Ecohydrology, 2021, doi.org/10.1002/eco.2329

3. Xiang Zhang, Xiaoqin Liu, Lifeng Zhang, Zhiguang Chen, Liang Zhao, Qi Li, Dongdong Chen, and Song Gu*. Comparison of energy partitioning between artificial pasture and degraded meadow in Three-River Source Region on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau: a case study. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2019, 271,251–263

4. Xiaoqin Liu, Xiang Zhang, Lifeng Zhang, Yingnian Li, Liang Zhao, Shixiao Xu,Yubao Gao and Song Gu1*. Using functional trait diversity to infer community assembly mechanisms: an exclosure experiment as an example. Journal of Plant Ecology, 2018,doi:10.1093/jpe/rty030

5. Li-Na Xie, Hong-Yu Guo, Wei-Zhong Chen, Zhe Liu, Song Gu and Cheng-Cang Ma. Effects of Grazing on Population Growth Characteristics of Caragana stenophylla Along a Climatic Aridity Gradient. Rangeland Ecology & Management, 2018,71, 98–105

6. Li-Na Xie, Hong-Yu Guo, Zhe Liu, Christopher A. Gabler, Wei-Zhong Chen, Song Gu, Cheng-Cang Ma, 2017. Shrubs facilitate recruitment of Caragana stenophylla Pojark: microhabitat amelioration and protection against herbivory, Annals of Forest Science

7. Bin Wang, Haiyan Jin, Qi Li, Dongdong Chen, Liang Zhao, Yanhong Tang, Tomomichi Kato, Song Gu*(2017) Diurnal and Seasonal Variations in the Net Ecosystem CO2 Exchange of a Pasture in the Three-River Source Region of the Qinghai −Tibetan Plateau. PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0170963

8. BinWang, Ben Niu, Xiaojie Yang, and Song Gu (2016) Environmental Factors and Soil CO2 Emissions in an Alpine Swamp Meadow Ecosystem on the Tibetan Plateau in Response to Experimental Warming. Journal of Chemistry, Volume 2016, Article ID 2573185, 7 pages

9. XIE Lina, CHEN Weizhong, Christopher A GABLER, HAN Lei, GUO Hongyu, CHEN Qing, MA Chengcang*, GU Song* (2016) Effects of grazing intensity on seed production of Caragana stenophylla along a climatic aridity gradient in the Inner Mongolia Steppe, China. J Arid Land, 8(6): 890–898

10. Jie Li, Bin Wang, Xiaoqin Liu, Lulu Feng, Rongrong Ma, Ben Niu, Liang Zhao,Yingnian Li, Yanhong Tang, Mingyuan Du, Song Gu*. A study of fitting an alpine winter pasture evapotranspiration to a model based on the Penman-Monteith equation. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 2014, 133: 123-131

11. Bin Wang, Sha Jiang, Jie Li, Liang Zha, Shixiao Xu, Yanhong Tang, Mingyuan Du, Song Gu*. Biophysical Regulation of Net Ecosystem Carbon Dioxide Exchange over an Artificial Pasture in the Three-River Source Region of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 2013, 12 (19): 1512-1523.

12. Jie Li, Sha Jiang, Bin Wang, Weiwei Jiang, Yanhong Tang, Mingyuan Du and Song Gu*. (2013) Evapotranspiration and Its Energy Exchange in Alpine Meadow Ecosystem on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 12(8): 1396-1401.

13. Weixin Xu, Song Gu*, XinQuan Zhao, Jianshe Xiao, Yanhong Tang, Jingyun Fang, Juan Zhang, Sha Jiang. (2011) High positive correlation between soil temperature and NDVI from 1982 to 2006 in alpine meadow of the Three-River Source Region on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 13: 528-535.

14. Shimono, A., Ueno, S., Gu, S., Zhao, X., Tsumura, Y. & Tang, Y. (2010) Range shifts of Potentilla fruticosa on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau during glacial and interglacial periods revealed by chloroplast DNA sequence variation. Heredity. 104(65): 34-42

15. Xiaochun Zhang, Song Gu*, Xinquan Zhao, Xiaoyong Cui, Liang Zhao, Shixiao Xu, Mingyuan Du, Sha Jiang, Yanhong Tang. (2009) Radiation partitioning and its relation to environmental factors above a meadow ecosystem on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research– Atmospheres, doi:10.1029/2009JD012373

16. Chen Jin, Song Gu, Miaogen Shen, Yanhong Tang and Bunkei Matsushita. (2009) Estimating aboveground biomass of grassland having a high canopy cover: an exploratory analysis of in situ hyperspectral data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 30, 6497 – 6517.

17. Hirota, M., Zhang, P., Gu, S., Du, M., Shimono, A., Shen, H., Li, Y., & Tang, Y. (2009) Altitudinal variation of ecosystem CO2 fluxes in an alpine grassland from 3600 to 4200 m. J Plant Ecol, 2: 197-205.

18. Song Gu, YanhongTang, Xiaoyong Cui, Mingyuan Du, LiangZhao, Yingnian Li, Shixiao Xu, Huakun Zhou, Tomomichi Kato, Peitong Qi, and Xinquan Zhao. (2008) Characterizing evapotranspiration over a meadow ecosystem on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, D08118, doi:10.1029/2007JD009173.

19. Xiaoyong Cui, Song Gu, Xinquan Zhao, Jing Wu, Tomomichi Kato, Yanhong Tang. (2008) Diurnal and seasonal variations of UV radiation on the northern edge of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 148, 144-151.

20. Xiaoyong Cui, Song Gu, Jing Wu, Yanhong Tang. (2008) Photosynthetic response to dynamic changes of light and air humidity in two moss species from the Tibetan Plateau. Ecology Research,DOI 10.1007/s11284-008-0535-8.

21. Tomomichi Kato, Yanhong Tang, Song Gu, Mitsuru Hirota, Mingyuan Du, Yingnian Li and Xinquan Zhao. (2006) Temperature and biomass influences on interannual changes in CO2 exchange in an alpine meadow on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Global Change Biology, 12, 1285-1298.

22. Song Gu, Yanhong Tang, Xiaoyong Cui, Tomomichi Kato, Mingyuan Du, Yingnian Li, Xinquan Zhao. (2005) Energy exchange between the atmosphere and a meadow ecosystem on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 129, 175-185.

23. Song Gu, Yanhong Tang, Mingyuan Du, Xiaoyong Cui, Tomomichi Kato, Yingnian Li and Xinquan Zhao. (2005) Effects of temperature on the CO2 exchange between the atmosphere and an alpine meadow. Phyton, 45, 361-370.

24. Song Gu, YanhongTang, Mingyuan Du, Tomomichi Kato, Yingnian Li, Xiaoyong Cui, and Xinquan Zhao. 2003. Short-term variation of CO2 flux in relation to environmental controls in an alpine meadow on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres 108, D21, 4670, doi:10.1029/2003JD003584.

25. Kato T., Tang, Y. H., Gu, S., Cui, X. Y., Hirota, M., Du, M. Y., Li, Y. N., Zhao, X. Q., Oikawa, T. 2003. Carbon dioxide exchange between the atmosphere and an alpine meadow ecosystem on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology.124, 121–134.

26. Cui X., Tang Y.H., Gu S., Shi S.B., Nishimura S. & Zhao X.Q. 2004. Leaf orientation, incident sunlight and photosynthesis in the alpine species Suassurea superba and Gentiana straminea, Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research219228.



1983--1994     内蒙古农业大学 讲师
2005 --        南开大学 生命科学学院 教授



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