

性别: 男

部门: 植物生物学和生态学系

电话: 022-23508469

办公地址: 生物楼122

职称: 教授

招生专业: 植物学

邮箱: lei.li@nankai.edu.cn

通讯地址: 天津市卫津路94号南开大学生物站106(实验室)


2009-2013年于澳大利亚西澳大学获得植物生物化学博士学位,2012.11-2018.9任澳大利亚植物能源中心(ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy biology)助理研究员,期间至比利时VIB所短期合作研究,2018年9月受聘南开大学生命科学学院教授,入选南开大学“百青计划”。李磊教授致力于植物能量细胞器线粒体和叶绿体的蛋白质稳态调控研究。已发表学术论文20多篇,第一或通讯作者文章包括Trends in Plant Science(1)、PNAS(1)、Plant Cell(2)、Molecular & Cellular Proteomics(1)、Plant Journal(1)和JBC(2)等,多次受邀在植物学和国际蛋白组学会议做主题报告,2017年被中澳科学和技术创新大会授予“青年科学家奖”。Frontiers in Plant Science蛋白组学方向审稿编辑,Nature Plants、Cell Reports、eLife、Plant Journal、Plant Physiology、New Phytologist、Molecular & Cellular Proteomics等重要学术期刊审稿人。


2009-2013年 澳大利亚西澳大学博士学位;2005-2008年 中南大学硕士;2001-2005年山东师范大学学士


2012.11-2018.9任澳大利亚植物能源中心助理研究员(ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy biology, Research Associate)


实验室主要进行植物光合作用和呼吸作用研究,利用分子生物学、生物化学,质谱蛋白质组学和细胞生物学等技术手段进行植物能量细胞器线粒体和叶绿体蛋白质稳态调控的研究。主攻方向: 1.植物线粒体蛋白质稳态调控机制研究;2. 光温逆境植物线粒体和叶绿体蛋白质稳态调控研究;3. 植物能量高效的蛋白质周转调控机制。实验室以模式植物拟南芥,农作物水稻和大豆作为研究对象,围绕能量高效这一核心科学问题,建立了完善的分子生物学、生物化学、细胞生物学和蛋白质组学分析平台,欢迎优秀的研究生和博士后加盟。实验室主页https://leililab2018.wixsite.com/leililab


1. Song C, Li YY, Yang MM, Li TT, Hou YQ, Liu YY, Xu C, Liu JJ, Millar AH, Wang NN, Li L* (2024) Protein aggregation in plant mitochondria lacking Lon1 inhibits translation and induces unfolded protein responses. Plant, Cell & Environment 10.1111/pce.15035.

2. Y Zhang, M Huang, Y Liu, M Yang, Y Hou, CF Huang, NN Wang, L Li * 2024The RAE1-STOP1 Module Reduces Sensitivity to Exogenous ABA Treatment by Regulating ABI5 in Arabidopsis. BioRxiv. 2024.06. 09.598107

3. Song, C., Hou, Y., Li, T., Liu, Y., Wang, X.-A., Qu, W., and Li, L.*(2024). Lon1 Inactivation Downregulates Autophagic Flux and Brassinosteroid Biogenesis, Modulating Mitochondrial Proportion and Seed Development in Arabidopsis. Int J Mol Sci 25.

4. Li L*, Lee CP, Ding XX, Qin Y, Wijerathna-Yapa A, Martyna B., Otegui M, Millar AH* (2022) Defects in autophagy lead to selective in vivo changes in turnover of cytosolic and organelle proteins in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 10.1093/plcell/koac185

5. Li L*, Duncan O, Ganguly DR, Lee CP, Crisp PA, Wijerathna-Yapa A, Salih K, Trosch J, Pogson BJ, Millar AH* (2022) Enzymes degraded under high light maintain proteostasis by transcriptional regulation in Arabidopsis. PNAS 119: e2121362119

6. Wijerathna-Yapa A, Stroeher E, Fenske R, Li L, Duncan O, Millar AH* (2021) Proteomics for Autophagy Receptor and Cargo Identification in Plants. J Proteome Res 20: 129-138  

7. Huang S, Li L, Petereit J, Millar AH* (2020) Protein turnover rates in plant mitochondria. Mitochondrion 53: 57-65

8. Joshi J, Beaudoin GAW, Patterson JA, Garcia-Garcia JD, Belisle CE, Chang LY, Li L, Duncan O, Millar AH, Hanson AD* (2020) Bioinformatic and experimental evidence for suicidal and catalytic plant THI4s. Biochemical Journal 477: 2055-2069

9. Liu S, Wang D, Mei Y, Xia T, Xu W, Zhang Y, You X, Zhang X, Li L, Wang NN* (2020) Overexpression of GmAAP6a enhances tolerance to low nitrogen and improves seed nitrogen status by optimizing amino acid partitioning in soybean. Plant Biotechnology Journal 18: 1749-1762

10. Salih KJ, Duncan O, Li L, O'Leary B, Fenske R, Troesch J, Millar AH* (2020) Impact of oxidative stress on the function, abundance and turnover of the Arabidopsis 80S cytosolic ribosome. Plant Journal 103: 128-139

11. Salih KJ, Duncan O, Li L, Trösch J, Millar AH* (2020) The composition and turnover of the Arabidopsis thaliana 80S cytosolic ribosome. Biochemical Journal 477: 3019-3032

12. Wang Y, Zhang X, Cui Y, Li L, Wang D, Mei Y, Wang NN* (2019) AHK3-Mediated Cytokinin Signaling Is Required for the Delayed Leaf Senescence Induced by SSPP. Int J Mol Sci 20


Li L, Aro E-M, Millar AH* (2018) Mechanisms of Photodamage and Protein Turnover in Photoinhibition. Trends in plant science 10.1016/j.tplants.2018.05.004 Web of Science高引用论文

Li L, Nelson CJ, Trosch J, Castleden I, Shaobai H, Millar AH* (2017) Protein degradation rate in Arabidopsis thaliana leaf gowth and development. The Plant Cell 10.1105/tpc.16.00768  Web of Science高引用论文F1000 Recommendations)

Li L, Nelson CJ, Trosch J, Pruzinska A, Millar AH and Shaobai Huang* (2016) Changes in specific protein turnover in Arabidopsis reveal multiple roles of Lon1 in mitochondrial protein homeostasis. The Plant Journal 89 (3): 458-471

Li L, Nelson CJ, Solheim C, Whelan J, Millar AH* (2012) Determining degradation and synthesis rates of arabidopsis proteins using the kinetics of progressive 15N labeling of two-dimensional gel-separated protein spots. Mol Cell Proteomics 11: M111 010025

Li L, Nelson CJ, Carrie C, Gawryluk R, Solheim C, Gray MW, Whelan J, Millar AH*(2013) Subcomplexes of ancestral respiratory complex I subunits rapidly turn over in vivo as producible assembly intermediates in Arabidopsis. J Biol Chem 288: 5707-5717

Li L, Carrie C, Nelson C, Whelan J, Millar AH* (2012) Accumulation of Newly Synthesized F1in vivo in Arabidopsis Mitochondria Provides Evidence for Modular Assembly of the Plant F1Fo ATP Synthase. J Biol Chem 287: 25749-25757

Li L, Millar AH and Shaobai Huang* (2017) Mitochondrial Lon1 has a role in homeostasis of the mitochondrial ribosome and pentatricopeptide repeat proteins in plants. Plant Signaling&Behavior 12(2): e1276686

Solheim C, Li L, Hatzopoulos P, Millar AH* (2012) Loss of Lon1 in Arabidopsis changes the mitochondrial proteome leading to altered metabolite profiles and growth retardation without an accumulation of oxidative damage. Plant Physiology 160: 1187-1203

Huang S, Nelson CJ,Li L, Taylor NL, Stroher E, Peteriet J, Millar AH* (2015) INTERMEDIATE CLEAVAGE PEPTIDASE55 Modifies Enzyme Amino Termini and Alters Protein Stability in Arabidopsis Mitochondria. Plant Physiology168: 415-427

Huang S, Jacoby RP, Shingaki-Wells RN,Li L, Millar AH* (2013) Differential induction of mitochondrial machinery by light intensity correlates with changes in respiratory metabolism and photorespiration in rice leaves. New Phytologist 198: 103-115

Jacoby RP, Li L, Huang S, Lee CP, Millar AH, Taylor NL* (2012) Mitochondrial Composition, Function and Stress Response in Plants. J Integr Plant Biol 54(11): 887-906

Nelson CJ, Li L, Jacoby RP, Millar AH* (2013) Degradation rate of mitochondrial proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana cells. J Proteome Res 12: 3449-3459

Nelson CJ, Li L, Millar AH*(2013) Quantitative analysis of protein turnover in plants. Proteomics 12: 3449-3459

Simmons LW, Beveridge M, Li L, Tan YF, Millar AH* (2014) Ontogenetic changes in seminal fluid gene expression and the protein composition of cricket seminal fluid. Evolution & Development 16: 101-10
















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