

性别: 女

部门: 遗传学和细胞生物学系

电话: 23505502

办公地址: 生物楼108

职称: 教授

招生专业: 细胞生物学

邮箱: ningwen108@nankai.edu.cn



1984-1994年于南京大学生物系获博士学位,毕业后留校并聘为副教授,其间(1997-1998)在香港科技大学生物系做访问学者。2000-2005年在美国Pittsburgh 大学医学中心做博士后,主要从事吸烟与肺损伤和吸烟引起慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)的分子机制的研究。2005年回国,受聘为南京大学模式动物研究所教授。2008年8月后受聘为南开大学生命科学院教授。2006年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才计划,现任中华医学会呼吸病学分会间质病学组副组长,中国医师协会呼吸医师分会研究工作委员会副主任委员。近年来,作为课题负责人参与科技部973项目1项,重大新药创制专项1项,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目5项和参加重点项目一项,主持省部级课题4项;在J Exp Med,PNAS,Throax等国际学术刊物上发表论文近40余篇。




主要研究内容为:1) 基质蛋白FSTL1在小鼠胚胎发育过程中对肺和骨骼等器官发育的影响;2)基质蛋白Fstl1调控的TGF-beta/BMP4信号通路在急性肺损伤和慢性肺纤维化疾病中作用机制;3)肺部微血管异常与肿瘤肺转移和自身免疫疾病相关肺纤维化;4)癌症和慢性纤维增生性疾病的生物药开发。


1. Yingying Dong, Yan Geng, Lian Li, Xiaohe Li, Xiaohua Yan, Yinshan Fang, Xinxin Li, Siyuan Dong, Xue Liu, Xue Li, Xiuhong Yang, Xiaohong Zheng, Ting Xie, Jiurong Liang, Huaping Dai, Xinqi Liu, Zhinan Yin, Paul Noble, Dianhua Jiang* and Wen Ning* . Blocking Follistatin-like 1 attenuates bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis in mice. J Exp Med, 2015. 212(2): 235-252 (*, corresponding author)
2. Yan Geng, Lian Li, YingYing Dong, Xue Liu, Xiaohe Li, Wen Ning*. Impaired Elastin Deposition in Fstl1–/– Lung Allograft under the Renal Capsule. PLoS ONE, 2013, 8(11): e81368  (*, corresponding author)
3. Lian Li, Xinxin Li, Xue Liu, Yingying Dong, Yan Geng, Xinqi Liu*, Wen Ning*  Expression, characterization, and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of recombinant murine Follistatin-like 1 expressed in Drosophila S2 cells. BioScience Trends. 2013; 7(2):93-100. (*, corresponding author)
4. Yan Geng, Yingying Dong, Mingyan Yu, Long Zhang, Xiaohua Yan, Jingxia Sun, Long Qiao, Huixia Geng, Masahiro Nakajima, Tatsuya Furuichi, Shiro Ikegawa, Xiang Gao, Ye-Guang Chen*, Dianhua Jiang*, and Wen Ning*. Fstl1 Is a BMP4 Signaling Antagonist in Controlling Mouse Lung Development. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.. 2011  108(17):7058-7063  (*, corresponding author)
5. Ning Shen, Tao Gong, Jian-Dong Wang, Fan-Li Meng, Long Qiao, Run-Lin Yang, Bin Xue, Fei-Yan Pan, Xiao-Jun Zhou, Hua-Qun Chen, Wen Ning*, Chaojun Li*. Cigarette Smoke–Induced Pulmonary Inflammatory Responses Are Mediated by EGR-1/GGPPS/MAPK Signaling. Am. J. Pathol. 2011 178(1): 110-118.                (*, corresponding author)
6. Ning W, Li CJ, Feghali-Bostwick CA, Matthay MA Choi AM. MAPK-EGR-1-HSP70 pathway regulates cigarette smoke induced chemokine release in human lung fibroblasts.Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2007 292(5):L1297-303
7. Ning W, Dong Y, Sun J, Li CJ, Feghali-Bostwick CA, Matthay MA Choi AM. Cigarette Smoke Stimulates Matrix Metalloproteinase Activity via EGR-1 in Human Lung Fibroblasts.  Am J Respir. Cell Mol. Biol. 2007 36(4):480-90.
8. Ning W, Peters DG, Chu TJ, Li C, Choi AM. Comparative SAGE Analysis of the Response to Hypoxia in Human Pulmonary and Aortic Endothelial Cells. Physiol Genomics. 2006 26(2):99-108
9. Ning W, Choi AM Li C. Carbon monoxide inhibits IL-17-induced IL-6 production through the MAPK pathway in human pulmonary epithelial cells. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2005;289(2):L268-73.
10. Wen Ning, Chao-Jun Li and Augustine M.K. Choi.  Global Gene Expression Profiles Reveal Pathways Related to the Pathogenesis of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. (2005) Discovery Medicine 5(25) :88-93
11. Ning W, Li CJ, Kaminski N, Feghali-Bostwick CA, Alber SM, Di YP, Otterbein SL, Song R, Hayashi S, Zhou Z, Pinsky DJ, Watkins SC, Pilewski JK, Sciurba FC, Peters DG, Hogg JC, Choi AM. Comprehensive gene expression profiles reveal pathways related to the pathogenesis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.  2004 ;101(41):14895-900.)
12. Ning W, Chu TJ, Li CJ, Choi AM, Peters DG. Genome-wide analysis of the endothelial transcriptome under short-term chronic hypoxia. Physiol Genomics. 2004 ;18(1):70-8.
13. Ning W, Song R, Li C, Park E, Mohsenin A, Choi, Choi ME. TGF-beta1 stimulates HO-1 via the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase in A549 pulmonary epithelial cells. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2002 ;283(5):L1094-102. 




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