

性别: 男

部门: 生物材料与组织工程系

电话: 2350

办公地址: 分子所

职称: 教授

招生专业: 生物化学与分子生物学

邮箱: wly@nankai.edu.cn



1989-1993:河北师范大学化学系,本科 1993-1996:中科院长春应用化学研究所,高分子化学与物理专业,硕士 1996-1999:河北承德石油高等专科学校,教师(讲师) 1999-2002:南开大学,博士 2002-2004:中科院化学所(北京),博士后 2004-今:南开大学生科院,副研究员,研究员 2009.4-2010.4:哈佛-MIT健康医学中心(HST), 生物医学工程,访问学者 主要研究方向: 1.血管组织工程 2.骨、软骨组织工程 3.生物医用水凝胶:抗菌、止血和促进创伤修复材料 4.纳米医用材料 表主要论文 1. Xinchen Du,Le Wu,Hongyu Yan,Zhuyan Jiang, Shilin Li,Deling Kong1*, Lianyong Wang1* Meifeng Zhu*,Microchannelled alkylated chitosan sponge to treat noncompressible hemorrhages and facilitate wound healing,NATURE COMMUNICATIONS,(2021) 12:4733, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-24972-2 2. Pingli Wu, Lina Wang, Wen Li, Yu Zhang, Yifan Wu, Dengke Zhi, Hongjun Wang, Lianyong Wang*, Deling Kong*, Meifeng Zhu*,Construction of vascular graft with circumferentially oriented microchannels for improving artery regeneration,Biomaterials (2020), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biomaterials.2020.119922 3. Xinchen Du, Le Wu, Hongyu Yan, Lijie Qu, Lina Wang, Xin Wang, Shuo Ren, Deling Kong, Lianyong Wang*,Multifunctional Hydrogel Patch with Toughness, Tissue Adhesiveness, and Antibacterial Activity for Sutureless Wound Closure, ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 2019, 5: 2610-2620 4. Muhammad Shafiq, Lina Wang, Dengke Zhi, Qiuying Zhang, Kai Wang, Lianyong Wang*, Dong-Hwee Kim,, Deling Kong, Soo Hyun Kim*,In situ blood vessel regeneration using neuropeptide substance P-conjugated small-diameter vascular grafts, J Biomed Mater Res Part B., 2018,201, 226: 1-15 5. .Fan BY, Zhou XH, Wang LN, Wang LY,* Feng SQ,* In vitro study of neural stem cells and activated Schwann cells cocultured on electrospinning polycaprolactone scaffolds, Journal of Neurorestoratology, 5, 155–165, 2017 6. Yang Q, Teng BH, Wang LN, Li K, Wang LY,* Zhao YH*, Silk fibroin/cartilage extracellular matrix scaffolds with sequential delivery of TGF-β3 for chondrogenic differenti








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