

性别: 男

部门: 微生物学系

电话: 23505967

办公地址: 生物楼215

职称: 研究员

招生专业: 微生物学,生物化学与分子生物学,生物工程

邮箱: wenjie.xia@nankai.edu.cn

通讯地址: 天津市南开区卫津路94号南开大学生命科学学院


夏文杰,男,研究员,博士生导师。 研究方向为资源和应用微生物学、环境微生物生态学,主要从事包括生物采油、土壤修复与水体治理、有机物降解、生物合成与转化、生物群落调控等领域的基础研究与产业化, 形成了自主研发生物技术和产品.




2015-2019,微生物室主任/研究员,加州能源与环境研究院(原加州理工学院能源与环境研究中心); 2013-2015,博士后,加州能源与环境研究院(原加州理工学院能源与环境研究中心); 2012,研究助理, 中国科学院化学所;







2023   Shun Yao, Tianzhi Jin, Lu Zhang, Yong Zhang, Rui Chen, Qian Wang, Mingjie Lv, Chuxiao Hu, Ting Ma*, Wenjie Xia*. N/S element transformation modulating lithospheric microbial communities by single-species manipulation. Microbiome,11, 107 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40168-023-01553-7

2023  Lu Zhang, Xiangyu Zhou, Chuxiao Hu, Shun Yao, Lei Shi, Tong Niu, Xin Li, Lihua Tong, Jiaqiang Zhang, Ting Ma*, Wenjie Xia*. CO2 improves the anaerobic biodegradation intensity and selectivity of heterocyclic hydrocarbons in heavy oil. Environmental Research. 224, 2023, 115541

2023 Tianzhi Jin, Yajing Wang, Shun Yao, Chuxiao Hu, Ting Ma*, Wenjie Xia*. Bioconversion of carbon dioxide to succinateby Citrobacter. Chemical Engineering Journal. 452, 2023, 139668

2021  Xia Wenjie*; Chen Rui; Li Yang; Gao Peike; Li Chihong; Jin Tianzhi; Ma John; Ma Ting*; Photo-driven heterogeneous microbial consortium reducing CO2 to hydrocarbons fuel, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 326(1): 129397-12947 

2021  Wenjie Xia*,  Lihua Tong; Tianzhi Jin; Cuxiao Hu; Lu Zhang; Lei Shi; Jiaqiang Zhang; Weichu Yu; Fuyi Wang; ting ma. N,S-Heterocycles Biodegradation and Biosurfactant production under CO2/N2 conditions by Pseudomonas and its Application on Heavy Oil Recovery. Chemical Engineering Journal, 413 (2021) 128771 

Wenjie Xia*, Xueqian Dong*, Yonggang Zhang, Wei Wang, Ting Ma*. Biopolymer from marine Athelia and its application on heavy oil recovery in heterogeneous reservoir of Heavy Oil Reservoir. Carbohydrate Polymers. 195 (2018) 53–62  

Wenjie Xia*, Weijun Shen, Panqing He, Li Yu, Weichu Yu, YongChun Tang. Conversion of petroleum to methane by the indigenous methanogenic microorganisms for EOR in heavy oil reservoir. Applied Energy, 2016, 171, 646-655.

Wenjie Xia*, Hao Dong, Li Yu, Yongqiang Bi, Weichu Yu. Analysis of Biosurfactant Production by a New Thermophilic and Halotolerant Bacterium, Geobacillus sp. QT. International Journal of Green Technology, 2016, 2, 20-28.

Hao Dong, Wenjie Xia, Honghong Dong, et al. Rhamnolpids produced by indigenous Acinetobacter junii from petroleum reservoir and its potential in enhanced oil recovery. 2015. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2016,7, 1710. 4.019

Wenjie Xia*, Panqing He, Qingfeng Cui, Hao Dong, YongChun Tang. Alkanes degradation by a novel thermophilic Anoxybacillus sp. with bioemulsifier generation and new alkB genes. RSC Advances. 2015. 8, 02367-102377 

Hao Dong, Zhongzhi Zhang, Wenjie Xia*, et al. Biostimulation of biogas producing microcosm for enhancing oil recovery in low-permeability oil reservoir. RSC Advances. 2015, 5, 91869-91877.

XIE KunJIANG KangYU Deng-feiXIA Wen-jie*. Development of Microorganism Reaction Kinetic Model under Reservoir Condition. Science Technology and Engineering. 2012, 15(22), 148-152.

Wenjie Xia*, Zhifeng Du, Qingfeng Cui, Hao Dong, Fuyi Wang, Panqing He, YongChun Tang. Biosurfactant produced by Novel Pseudomonas sp. WJ6 with Biodegradation of n-Alkanes and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2014, 276: 489-498. 6.434

W.J. Xia*, Z.B. Luo, H.P. Dong, L. Yu. Studies of Biosurfactant for the Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery by Using Bacteria Isolated from Formation water of Petroleum Reservoir. Petroleum Science and Technology. 2013, 31: 2311-2317.      

WANG Yuan, TIAN Zhihai, SUN Xin, WANG Zhenhong, LI Tielong, CHEN Xu, XIA Wenjie, Solubilization of trichloroethylene by various type of surfactants. Environmental Chemistry. 2013, 32(06), 1051-1055.

WANG Ping, XIA Wen-jie*, LUO Zhi-bin, DONG Han-ping, YU Li, HUANG Li-xin, BI Yong-qiang. Wettability and Adsorption Characteristic Study of Microorganisms. Oilfield Chemistry. 2012, 29(04), 470-473.

Xia Wenjie*, Dong Hanping. Yu Li. Synthesis, Characterization and Oil Recovery Application of Biosurfactant Produced by Indigenous Pseudomonas aeruginosa WJ-1 Using Waste Vegetable Oils. Appl Biochem Biotechnol. 166 (2012) 1148-1166.   

Xia Wenjie*, Yu Li, Wang Ping, Xiu Jianlong, Dong Hanping. Characterization of a thermophilic and halotolerant Geobacillus pallidus H9 and its application in microbial enhanced oil recovery (MEOR). Annals of microbiology. 62 (2012) 1779-1789.  

YU Deng-Fei, DONG Han-Ping, YU Li, CUI Qing-Feng, XIA Wen-Jie, YU Deng-Xiu. Laboratory Study of Indigenous Microorganism Activation System in Long Core. Oilfield Chemistry. 2012. 29(02), 236-239.

XIA Wenjie*, Dong Hanping, Yu Li. Oil-degrading Characterization of a Thermophilic and Halotolerant Strain Geobacillus sp. WJ-2, Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology). 2012, 43(01), 8-16.  

XIE Kun, XIA Wen-jie*, DONG Han-ping, YU Li, HUANG Li-xin. Adsorption Mechanism of Indigenous Microbial Activator in Porous Medium. Science Technology and Engineering. 2012, 12(29), 7509-7514.

XIA Wenjie*, Dong Hanping. Yu Li. Effect of Hydroxyphenazine on a Petroleum-Degrading Microbial Community.  ACTA CHIMICA SINICA. 2011, 69(12), 1483-1490

XIA Wenjie*, Dong Hanping. Yu Li, Huang Lixin. Oil-degradation characteristics of Pseudomonas aeruginosa WJ-1. CIESC journal. 2011, 62(07), 2013-2019.   

Xia Wen-Jie*, Dong Han-Ping, Yu Li, Yu Deng-Fei. Comparative study of biosurfactant producing microorganisms isolated from formation water of petroleum reservoir. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, 392 (2011) 124-130.

XIA Wenjie*, DONG Hanping, YU Li, Huang Lixin, Zhao Ting. Characterization of a Thermophilic and Halotolerant Strain Geobacillus pallidus XDF-4. CIESC journal. 2010, 61(11), 2951-2959.     (EI compendex)

XIA Wenjie*DONG Han-pingYU Li. Optimization of Culture Condition of Rhamnolipid in oil recovery. Journal of shenzheng University (Science and Engineering). 2010. 27(04), 482-488.  

XIA Wen-Jie*, DONG Han-Ping, YU Li. Physicological and Biochemical of Hydrocarbon-Degrading Strain WJ-1 and its biosurfactant. Oilfield Chemistry. 2009, 26(04), 436-440.

WU Qinghong, WU Chao, ZHENG Chenggang, XIU jianlong, XIA Wenjie. Reseach on physical simulation experiment for increasing efficiency of microbial oil displacement technology. Journal of Liaoning Technical University (Natural Science). 2009. 28.47-50




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