

性别: 男

部门: 生命科学学院微生物学系

电话: 13920376801

办公地址: 生命科学学院生物楼311

职称: 教授

招生专业: 微生物学

邮箱: yuqilin@mail.nankai.edu.cn

通讯地址: 天津市南开区卫津路94号南开大学生物楼311


教授,博士生导师,南开大学百名青年学科带头人。主持国家自然科学基金项目3项,天津市自然科学基金项目3项,天津市合成生物技术创新能力提升行动资助项目1项,中国博士后科学基金资助项目2项;参与973项目1项,国家自然科学基金面上项目5项,天津市自然科学基金项目4项。近年来以第一或通讯作者在Science Advances、Nature Communications、ACS Nano、Journal of Medicinal Chemistry、Nano Research、Journal of Hazardous Materials、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces、 Chemical Communications、Nanotoxicology等期刊发表SCI论文40余篇,授权国家发明专利4项。


2010年9月-2013年6月,南开大学生命科学学院,博士 2007年9月-2010年6月,东北农业大学生命科学学院,硕士


2021年12月至今,南开大学生命科学学院微生物学系,教授; 2016年12月-2021年12月,南开大学生命科学学院微生物学系,副研究员; 2019年7月-2020年8月,美国加州大学洛杉矶分校化学与生物化学系,访问学者; 2016年1月-2016年12月,南开大学生命科学学院微生物学系,助理研究员; 2013年7月-2015年12月,南开大学环境科学与工程学院,博士后


(1) 微生物群落结构解析与调控;

(2) 基于合成生物技术的环境污染修复;

(3) 功能纳米材料的设计与生物医学应用。



1. Yan Zhao, Shuo Liu, Zhishang Shi, Hangqi Zhu, Mingchun Li, Qilin Yu*(2022). Pathogen infection-responsive nanoplatform targeting macrophage endoplasmic reticulum for treating life-threatening systemic infection. Nano Research, DOI: 10.1007/s12274-022-4211-z. 

2. Hongda Yin, Yuqiao Chen, Yuming Feng, Lian Feng, Qilin Yu*. (2022). Synthetic physical contact-remodeled rhizosphere microbiome for enhanced phytoremediation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 433, 128828. 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2022.128828.

3. JongGuk Kim, Jingyu Sun, Yan Zhao, Jinghong Wen, Bo Zhou, Ze Zhang, Shudi Mo, Jianling Wang, Huajie Liu*, Guichang Wang*, Qilin Yu*, Mingyang Liu*. (2022). Electronic structure modulation of Ag2S by vacancy engineering for efficient bacterial infection. Small, 18, 2107807. DOI: 10.1002/smll.202107807.

4. Ze Zhang, Jingyu Sun, Shudi Mo, Jongguk Kim, Donggang Guo*, Jing Ju*, Qilin Yu*, Mingyang Liu*. (2022). Constructing a highly efficient CuS/Cu9S5 heterojunction with boosted interfacial charge transfer for near-infrared photocatalytic disinfection. Chemical Engineering Journal, 431, 134287.

5. Shudi Mo#, Yan Zhao#, Jinghong Wen, Jingyu Sun, Ze Zhang, Qilin Yu*, Guichang Wang*, Xue Chen*, Mingyang Liu*. (2022). Efficient photothermal and photodynamic synergistic antibacterial therapy of Cu7S4 nanosheets regulated by facet engineering. Journal of Hazardous Materials432, 128662.

6. Xian-Yin Dai, Bing ZhangQilin Yu*, Yu Liu*. (2022). In Situ Coassembly Induced Mitochondrial Aggregation Activated Drug-Resistant Tumor Treatment. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 65 (10), 7363-7370. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jmedchem.2c00372.



1. Mingyang Liu, Hangqi Zhu, Nali Zhu, Qilin Yu*. (2021). Vacancy engineering of BiOCl microspheres for efficient removal of multidrug-resistant bacteria and antibiotic-resistant genes in wastewater. Chemical Engineering Journal426, 130710. (2021-06-03)

2. Fang-Chu Lin#, Qilin Yu#, Jeffrey I. Zink*. Self-Contained Nanocapsules Carrying Anticancer Peptides for Magnetically Activated and Enzyme-Cleaved Drug Delivery. ACS Applied Nano Materials2021, 4, 10, 10771–10783. (2021-09-23)



1. Qilin Yu, Tian Deng, Fang-Chu Lin, Bing Zhang, Jeffrey I. Zink*. (2020). Supramolecular assemblies of heterogeneous mesoporous silica nanoparticles to co-deliver antimicrobial peptides and antibiotics for synergistic eradication of pathogenic biofilmsACS Nano14(5), 5926-5937(2020-04-20)

2. Gui-Yuan Wu, Xueliang Shi*, Hoa Phan, Hang Qu, Yi-Xiong Hu, Guang-Qiang Yin, Xiao-Li Zhao, Xiaopeng Li, Lin Xu, Qilin Yu*, Hai-Bo Yang*. (2020). Efficient self-assembly of heterometallic triangular necklace with strong antibacterial activity. Nature Communications, 2020, 11, 3178. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-16940-z. (2020-05-21)

3. Mingyang Liu, Yang Lu, Qilin Yu*, Shu-Hong Yu*. (2020). In situ assembly of magnetic nanocrystals/graphene oxide nanosheets on tumor cells enables efficient cancer therapy. Nano Research, 13(4), 1133–1140. (2020-03-16)

4. Nali Zhu, Bing Zhang, Qilin Yu*. (2020). Genetic engineering-facilitated coassembly of synthetic bacterial cells and magnetic nanoparticles for efficient heavy metal removalACS Applied Materials & Interfaces12(20), 22948-22957. (2020-04-27)

5. Qilin Yu, Bing Zhang, Ying-Ming Zhang, Yao-Hua Liu, Yu Liu*. (2020). Actin Cytoskeleton-Disrupting and magnetic field-responsive multivalent supramolecular assemblies for efficient cancer therapy. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces12(12), 13709-13717. (2020-03-02)

6. Qilin Yu, Guizhu Wu, Tong Zhang, Xudong Zhao, Zhen Zhou, Lu Liu*, Wei Chen*, Pedro Alvarez*. (2020). Targeting specific cell organelles with different-faceted nanocrystals that are selectively recognized by organelle-targeting peptides. Chemical Communications. 56, 7613-7616. DOI: 10.1039/D0CC02930K. (2020-06-01)

7. Bing Zhang, Liping Peng, Nali Zhu, Qilin Yu*, Mingchun Li*. (2020). Novel role of the phosphatidylinositol phosphatase Sac1 in membrane homeostasis and polarized growth in Candida albicansInternational Journal of Medical Microbiology, 310(4), 151418. (2020-03-24)

8. Jinpeng Liu, Nali Zhu, Youjun Zhang, Tongtong Ren, Chaofeng Shao, Rongguang Shi, Xiaohua Li, Meiting Ju, Ting Ma*, Qilin Yu*. Transcription profiling-guided remodeling of sulfur metabolism in synthetic bacteria for efficiently capturing heavy metals. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 403, 123638(2020.08.09)

9. Liping Peng, Henan Wei, Lei Tian, Jiachun Xu, Mingchun Li*, Qilin Yu*. (2021). Phospholipid/protein co-mediated assembly of Cu2O nanoparticles for specific inhibition of growth and biofilm formation of pathogenic fungi.Science China Materials, 64, 759–768. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40843-020-1457-1. (2020-10-16)

10. Hangqi Zhu, Bing Zhang, Nali Zhu, Mingchun Li*, Qilin Yu*. (2021). Mitochondrion targeting peptide-modified magnetic graphene oxide delivering mitoxantrone for impairment of tumor mitochondrial functions. Chinese Chemical Letters, 32(3), 1220-1223.

11. Mingyang Liu, Qilin Yu*, Wei Chen, Xiangsheng Liu *, Pedro J. J. Alvarez. (2020). Engineering of CoSe2 Nanosheets via Vacancy Manipulation for Efficient Cancer Therapy. ACS Applied Bio Materials3(11), 7800-7809.

12. Jingxuan Hu, Zijing Liu, Qilin Yu*, Ting Ma*. Preparation of reactive oxygen species-responsive antibacterial hydrogels for efficient anti-infection therapy. Materials Letters, 263, 15 March 2020, 127254. (2020-03-01)



1. Yang Yang, Pengkun Wei, Zewei Hao, Qilin Yu*, Huajie Liu*, Lu Liu*. (2019). Adjustable ternary FeCoNi nanohybrids for enhanced oxygen evolution reaction. Chemistry–A European Journal, 25(67), 15361-15366. (2019-09-20)

2. Guizhu Wu, Ze Zhang, Xue Chen, Qilin Yu*, Xiaoyong Ma*, Lu Liu*. (2019). Chemosensitization effect of cerium oxide nanosheets by suppressing drug detoxification and efflux. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 167, 301-308. (2018-10-18)

3. Jinpeng Liu, Nali Zhu, Haiming Xu, Jinwu Bai, Chaofeng Shao, Meiting Ju, Qilin Yu*, and Lu Liu*. (2019). Construction of recycling photocatalytic gels for the disinfection of pathogens and degradation of organic pollutants. ChemistryOPEN, 8(10), 1309-1315. (2019-10-23)

4. Qilin Yu, Tianyu Ma, Congcong Ma, Biao Zhang, Mingchun Li *. (2019). Multifunction of the ER P-Type Calcium Pump Spf1 During Hyphal Development in Candida albicansMycopathologia184(5), 573-583. (2019-08-31)

5. Tongtong Ren, Yufan Wang, Qilin Yu*, Mingchun Li*.Synthesis of antimicrobial peptide-grafted graphene oxide nanosheets with high antimicrobial efficacyMaterials Letters, 235, 42-45. (2019-01-01 )

6. Nali Zhu, Li Yang, Liping Peng, Hangqi Zhu, Qilin Yu*, Mingchun Li*. (2019). The endoplasmic reticulum-plasma membrane tethering protein Ist2 regulates endoplasmic reticulum stress response in Candida albicans. SCIENTIA SINICA Vitae49(9), 1165-1172. (2019-09-09)



1. Qilin Yu, Ying-Ming Zhang, Yao-Hua Liu, Xun Xu, Yu Liu*. (2018). Magnetism and photo dual-controlled supramolecular assembly for suppression of tumor invasion and metastasis. Science Advances, 4(9), eaat2297. (2018-09-19)

2. Qilin Yu,Ying-Ming Zhang, Yao-Hua Liu, Yu Liu. (2018). Magnetic supramolecular nanofibers of gold nanorods for photothermal therapy. Advanced Therapeutics2(4), 1800137. (2018-11-29)

3. Da Huo, Bing Zhang, Qi Peng, Hongyue Li, Hui Wang, Qilin Yu*, Mingchun Li*(2018). Graphene oxide severely inhibits DNase activity. Journal of Applied Toxicology, 38(12), 1538-1544.

4. Qi Peng, Da Huo, Hongyue Li, Bing Zhang, Yang Li, Anping Liang, Qilin Yu*, Mingchun Li*. (2018). ROS-independent toxicity of Fe3O4 nanoparticles to yeast cells: Involvement of mitochondrial dysfunction. Chemico-Biological Interactions, 287, 20-26.

5. Honggang Wang, Tongtong Ren, Nali Zhu, Qilin Yu*, Mingchun Li. (2018). Co3O4 nanoparticles at sublethal concentrations inhibit cell growth by impairing mitochondrial function. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications505(3), 775-780.



1. Qilin Yu*, Bing Zhang, Jianrong Li, Mingchun Li*. Design of peptide-grafted graphene oxide targeting the actin cytoskeleton for efficient cancer therapyChemical Communications, 2017, 53, 11433-11436. (2017-09-16)

2. Qilin Yu, Bing Zhang, Jianrong Li, Tingting Du, Xiao Yi, Mingchun Li*, Wei Chen*, Pedro J. J. Alvarez. Graphene oxide significantly inhibits cell growth at sublethal concentrations by causing extracellular iron deficiency. Nanotoxicology, 2017, 11(9-10), 1102-1114. (2017-11-09)

3. Qilin Yu, Honggang Wang, Qi Peng, Ye Li, Zhe Liu, Mingchun Li*. Different toxicity of anatase and rutile TiO2 nanoparticles on macrophages: Involvement of difference in affinity to proteins and phospholipids. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2017, 335, 125-134. (2017-04-09)

4. Xiao Yi, Weili Zhao, Jianrong Li, Bing Zhang, Qilin Yu*, Mingchun Li*. Mn3O4 nanoparticles cause endoplasmic reticulum stress-dependent toxicity to Saccharomyces cerevisiaeRSC Advances, 2017,7(73), 46028-46035. (2017-09-28)

5. Jianrong Li, Bing Zhang, Tianyu Ma, Honggang Wang, Biao Zhang, Qilin Yu*, Mingchun Li*. (2017). Role of the inositol polyphosphate multikinase Ipk2 in regulation of hyphal development, calcium signaling and secretion in Candida albicansMycopathologia182(7-8), 609-623. (2017-05-13)










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