

性别: 男

部门: 生物材料与组织工程系

电话: 83662855

办公地址: 分子所209

职称: 教授

招生专业: 高分子化学与物理,生物化学与分子生物学

邮箱: qiangzhao@nankai.edu.cn

通讯地址: 天津市南开区卫津路南开大学分子生物学研究所209


博士,南开大学生命科学学院暨药物化学生物学国家重点实验室教授(博士生导师),教育部生物活性材料重点实验室副主任,天津市重点实验室主任。先后获得国家杰出青年科学基金(2019)、国家优秀青年科学基金(2015)和天津市杰出青年科学基金(2018)资助。入选天津市131创新型人才第一层次。担任中国生物医学工程学会理事、中国解剖学会血管分会常委、中国生物医学工程学会干细胞工程技术分会常委、中国生理学会基质生物学分会委员(青委会主委)、Fundamental Research编委、Engineered Regeneration 副主编等。


2004/3 - 2006/9,天津大学,材料学,博士 2001/9 - 2004/2,天津大学,材料学,硕士 1997/9 - 2001/7,西北工业大学,高分子材料与工程,学士


2014/12 - 至今, 南开大学,生命科学学院,教授 2009/11 – 2014/12,南开大学,生命科学学院,副教授 2014/3 - 2014/4, 英国伦敦大学国王学院,医学院,访问学者 2006/9 - 2009/9, 香港城市大学,物理与材料科学系,博士后研究员


主要从事心血管生物材料与再生医学研究,利用工程材料科学、化学生物学等新技术、新方法,开展交叉研究,发展用于心血管修复再生与心血管疾病治疗的新材料与新技术。主持国家重点研发计划等省部级以上科研项目10余项。在国际权威学术期刊Nat Chem BiolNat CommunCell RepAdv MaterCir ResAdv SciJ Am Soc NephrolBiomaterialsJ Control Release等发表SCI收录论文90余篇,论文他人引用>4000次,学术影响h-指数=38。在国际权威出版机构RSCSpringer等出版著作章节6部。申请并获得授权发明多项。先后获得天津市自然科学一等奖(20192/11)和天津市科技进步二等奖(20161/820215/8)。


1. 国家杰出青年科学基金项目“心血管生物材料” (项目批准号:81925021),项目负责人

2. 国家重点研发计划-战略性国际科技创新合作重点专项“基于化学生物学‘凸凹互补’原理的工程化酶的理性设计与医学应用” (项目批准号:2018YFE0200500),项目负责人

3. 国家优秀青年科学基金项目“心血管生物材料” (项目批准号:81522023),项目负责人

4. 国家自然科学基金创新研究群体项目“组织器官损伤的修复与再生” (项目批准号:81921004),项目骨干

5. 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划(培育项目)“通过仿生天然细胞外基质构建功能型人工血管促进组织再生重构” (项目批准号:91639113),项目负责人

6. 国家自然科学基金(面上项目)“基于化学生物学“凸凹互补”原理构建靶向一氧化氮递送系统用于缺血性疾病治疗” (项目批准号:81871500),项目负责人

7. 国家自然科学基金(面上项目)“具有微/纳米复合纤维结构的小口径人工血管构建及对组织再生的引导作用” (项目批准号:81371699),项目负责人

8. 国家自然科学基金(青年基金)“人工血管材料的多重功能化修饰及空间分布调控” (项目批准号:81000680),项目负责人

9. 国家自然科学基金(国际(地区)合作与交流项目)“用于血管再生的新型生物材料研究” (项目批准号:81310108034),项目负责人

10. 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(新教师类)“活性人工血管的构建和功能评价”(项目批准号:20100031120021), 项目负责人

11. 天津市杰出青年科学基金“心血管生物材料” (项目批准号:18JCJQJC46900),项目负责人

12. 天津市应用基础与前沿技术研究计划(自然科学基金)青年项目资金“通过可控降解和功能梯度改善细胞向支架材料内生长” (项目批准号:12JCQNJC09300), 项目负责人

13. 分子科学国家实验室开放基金“具有可控释放一氧化氮(NO)功能的心血管生物材料研究”,项目负责人



1. Hou J, Pan Y, Zhu D, Fan Y, Feng G, Wei Y, Wang H, Qin K, Zhao T, Yang Q, Zhu Y, Che Y, Liu Y, Cheng J*, Kong D, Wang PG, Shen J*, Zhao Q*. Targeted delivery of nitric oxide via a “bump-and-hole”-based enzyme-prodrug pair. Nat Chem Biol 2019, 15: 151-60 (recommended by F1000).

2. Zhu D, Hou J, Qian M, Jin D, Hao T, Pan Y, Wang H, Wu S, Liu S, Wang F, Wu L, Zhong Y, Yang Z, Che Y, Shen J, Kong D, Yin M*, Zhao Q*. Nitrate-functionalized patch confers cardioprotection and improves heart repair after myocardial infarction via local nitric oxide delivery. Nat Commun 2021, 12: 4501.

3. Wang F, Qin K, Wang K, Wang H, Liu Q, Qian M, Chen S, Sun Y, Hou J, Wei Y, Hu Y, Li Z, Xu Q*, Zhao Q*. Nitric oxide improves regeneration and prevents calcification in bio-hybrid vascular grafts via regulation of vascular stem/progenitor cells. Cell Rep 2022, 39:110981.

4.  Midgley AC, Wei Y, Li Z, Kong D, Zhao Q*. Nitric oxide–releasing biomaterial regulation of the stem cell microenvironment in regenerative medicine. Adv Mater 2020, e1805818.

5.  Hao T, Qian M, Zhang Y, Liu Q, Midgley AC, Liu Y, Che Ye, Hou J, Zhao Q*. An injectable dual-function hydrogel protects against myocardial ischaemia/reperfusion injury by modulating ROS/NO disequilibrium. Adv Sci 2022, 9: 2105408. 

6. Pan Y, Yang J, Wei Y, Wang H, Jiao R, Moraga A, Zhang Z, Hu Y, Kong D, Xu Q, Zeng L*, Zhao Q*. Histone deacetylase 7-derived peptides play a vital role invascular repair and regeneration. Adv Sci 2018, 5:1800006. 

7.Issa Bhaloo S, Wu Y, Le Bras A, Yu B, Gu W, Xie Y, Deng J, Wang Z, Zhang Z, Kong D, Hu Y, Qu A, Zhao Q*, Xu Q*. Binding of Dickkopf-3 to CXCR7 enhances vascular progenitor cellmigration and degradable graft regeneration. Circ Res 2018, 123:451-66.

8. Feng G, Zhang J, Li Y, Nie Y, Zhu D, Wang R, Liu J, Gao J, Liu N, He N, Du W, Tao H, Xu Y*, Kong D, Zhao Q*, Li Z*. IGF-1C modified hydrogel enhances cell therapy for acute kidney injury. J Am Soc Nephrol 2016, 27: 2357-69. (with editorial and recommended by F1000)

9.  Qin K, Wang F, Simpson RML, Zheng X, Wang H, Hu Y, Gao Z, Xu Q*, Zhao Q*. Hyaluronan promotes the regeneration of vascular smooth muscle with potent contractile function in rapidly biodegradable vascular grafts. Biomaterials 2020, 257:120226.

10.  Wei Y, Wu Y, Zhao R, Zhang K, Midgley AC, Kong D, Li Z*, Zhao Q*. MSC-derived sEVs enhance patency and inhibit calcification of synthetic vascular grafts by immunomodulation in a rat model of hyperlipidemia. Biomaterials2019, 204:13-24.

11. Du W, Zhang K, Zhang S, Wang R, Nie Y, Tao H, Han Z, Liang L, Wang D, Liu J, Liu N, Han Z, Kong D, Zhao Q*, Li Z*. Enhanced proangiogenic potential of mesenchymal stem cell-derived exosomesstimulated by a nitric oxide releasing polymer. Biomaterials2017, 133:70-81.

12.Yao X, Liu Y, Gao J, Yang L, Mao D, Stefanitsch C, Li Y, Zhang J, Ou L, Kong D, Zhao Q*, Li Z*. Nitric oxide releasing hydrogel enhances the therapeutic efficacy of mesenchymal stem cells for myocardial infarction. Biomaterials 2015, 60: 130-40.

13. Wang Z, Cui Y, Wang J, Yang X, Wu Y, Wang K, Gao X, Li D, Li Y, Zheng X, Zhu Y, Kong D*, Zhao Q*. The effect of thick fibers and large pores of electrospun poly(ε-caprolactone) vascular grafts on macrophage polarization and arterial regeneration. Biomaterials 2014, 35: 5700-10.

14.  Zhao Q, Zhang J, Song L, Ji Q, Yao Y, Cui Y, Shen J*, Wang P, Kong D*. Polysaccharide-based biomaterials with on-demand nitric oxide releasing property regulated by enzyme catalysis. Biomaterials 2013, 34: 8450-8.

15.Zheng W, Wang Z, Song L, Zhao Q*, Zhang J, Li D, Wang S, Zheng X, Han J, Yang Z, Kong D*. Endothelialization and patency of RGD-functionalized vascular grafts in a rabbit carotid artery model. Biomaterials 2012, 33: 2880-91.

16. Wang H, Xing M, Deng W, Qian M, Wang F, Wang K, Midgley AC*, Zhao Q*. Anti-Sca-1 antibody-functionalized vascular grafts improve vascular regeneration via selective capture of endogenous vascular stem/progenitor cells. Bioact Mater 2022, 16: 433-50.

17.Qian M, Liu Q, Wei Y, Guo Z, Zhao Q*. In-situ biotransformation of nitric oxide by functionalized surfaces of cardiovascular stents.Bioact Mater 2020, 11:1464-7.

18. Wang Z, Lu Y, Qin K, Tian Y, Wang J, Zhang J, Cui Y, Wu Y, Hou J, Shen J, Xu Q, Kong D, Zhao Q*. Enzyme-functionalized vascular grafts catalyze in-situ release of nitric oxide from exogenous NO prodrug. J Control Release 2015, 210: 179-88.

19. Wang W, Song H, Zhang J, Li P, Li C*, Wang C, Kong D, Zhao Q*. An injectable, thermosensitive and multicompartment hydrogel for simultaneous encapsulation and independent release of a drug cocktail as an effective combination therapy platform. J Control Release, 2015, 203: 57-66.

20.Cao X, Duan L, Hou H, Liu Y, Chen S, Zhang S, Liu Y, Wang C, Qi X, Liu N, Han Z, Zhang D, Han ZC, Guo Z*, Zhao Q*, Li Z*. IGF-1C hydrogel improves the therapeutic effects of MSCs on colitis in mice through PGE2-mediated M2 macrophage polarization. Theranostics 2020, 10:7697-709.

21. Zhang K, Chen X, Li H, Feng G, Nie Y, Wei Y, Li N, Han Z, Han ZC, Kong D, Guo Z, Zhao Q*, Li Z*. A nitric oxide-releasing hydrogel for enhancing the therapeutic effects of mesenchymal stem cell therapy for hindlimb ischemia. Acta Biomater 2020, 113: 289-304.

22. Zhang Y, Zhu D, Wei Y, Wu Y, Cui W, Liuqin L, Fan G, Yang Q, Wang Z, Xu Z*, Kong D, Zeng L*, Zhao Q*. A collagen hydrogel loaded with HDAC7-derived peptide promotes the regeneration of infarcted myocardium with functional improvement in a rodent model.Acta Biomater 2019, 86:223-34.

23. Zhou X, Wang H, Zhang J, Li X, Wu Y, Wei Y, Ji S, Kong D*, Zhao Q*.Functional poly(ε-caprolactone)/chitosan dressings with nitric oxide-releasing property improve wound healing. Acta Biomater 2017, 54: 128-37.

24. Yao Y, Wang J, Cui Y, Xu R, Wang Z, Zhang J, Wang K, Li Y, Zhao Q*, Kong D. Effect of sustained heparin release from PCL/Chitosan hybrid small-diameter vascular grafts on the anti-thrombogenic property and endothelialization. Acta Biomater 2014, 10:2739-49.

25.Lou S, Gao S, Wang W, Zhang M, Zhang J, Wang C, Li C*, Kong D, Zhao Q*. Galactose-functionalized multi-responsive nanogels for hepatoma-targeted drug delivery. Nanoscale 2015, 7: 3137-46.

26. Liu Q, Ji G, Chu Y, Hao T, Qian M*, Zhao Q*. Enzyme-responsive hybrid prodrug of nitric oxide and hydrogen sulfide for heart failure therapy.Chem Commun 2022, in press, DOI: 10.1039/D2CC02267B.

27.Gao J, Zheng W, Zhang J, Guan D, Yang Z*, Kong D, Zhao Q*. Enzyme-controllable delivery of nitric oxide from a molecular hydrogel.Chem Commun 2013, 49:9173-5.

28.Ji Q, Zhang S, Zhang J, Wang Z, Wang J, Cui Y, Pang L, Wang S, Kong D, Zhao Q*. Dual functionalization of poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) film surface through supramolecular assembly with the aim of promoting in-situ endothelial progenitor cell attachment on vascular grafts. Biomacromolecules 2013, 14: 4099-107.

29. Zhao Q, Wang S, Cheng X, Yam RCM, Kong D*, Li RKY*. Surface modification of cellulose fiber via supramolecular assembly of biodegradable polyesters by the aid of host-guest inclusion complexation. Biomacromolecules 2010, 11: 1364-9.

30. Midgley AC*, Zhao Q*. CD44 receptor diversity and potential in preventative and regenerative therapies. Clin Transl Discov 2022, 2:e78.

31. Wei Y, Wang F, Guo Z, Zhao Q*. Tissue-engineered vascular grafts and regeneration mechanisms. J Mol Cell Cardiol 2022, 165: 40-53.

32.Yang S, Zheng X, Qian M, Wang H, Wang F, Wei Y, Midgly AC*, He J, Tian H*, Zhao Q*. Nitrate-functionalized poly(ε-caprolactone) small-diameter vascular grafts enhance vascular regeneration via local delivery of nitric oxide. Front Bioeng Biotechnol 2021, 9:770121.

33. Yang S, Huan J, Qian M, Ji G, Wei Y*, He J, Tian H*, Zhao Q*. MSC-derived sEV-loaded hyaluronan hydrogel promotes scarless skin healing by immunomodulation in a large skin wound model. Biomed Mater 2022, 7: 034104.

34. Pan Y, Zhou X, Wei Y, Zhang Q, Wang T, Zhu M, Li W, Huang R, LiuR, Chen J, Fan G, Wang K*, Kong D, Zhao Q*. Small-diameter hybrid vascular grafts composed of polycaprolactone and polydioxanone fibers. Sci Rep 2017, 7: 3615.

35.Zhang J, Wang J, Wei Y, Gao C, Chen X, Kong W, Kong D*, Zhao Q*. ECM-mimetic heparin glycosamioglycan-functionalized surface favors constructing functional vascular smooth muscle tissue in vitro. Colloids Surf B: Biointerfaces 2016, 146: 280-8.

36.Zhou X, Zhang J, Feng G, Shen J, Kong D*, Zhao Q*.Nitric oxide-releasing biomaterialsfor biomedical applications. Curr Med Chem 2016, 23: 2579-601.

37.Qin K, Wu Y, Pan Y, Wang K*, Kong D, Zhao Q*.Implantation of Electrospun Vascular Grafts with Optimized Structure in a Rat Model. J Vis Exp 2018, 136: e57340.

38.Wang K, Chen X, Pan Y, Cui Y, Zhou X, Kong D, Zhao Q*. Enhanced vascularization in hybrid PCL/gelatin fibrous scaffolds with sustained release of VEGF. BioMed Res Int 2015, Article ID 865076.

39.Zhao Q, Li Z*. Angiogenesis. BioMed Res Int 2015, Article ID 135861.

40. Li Q, Wang Z, Zhang S, Zheng W, Zhao Q*, Zhang J, Wang L*, Wang S, Kong D. Functionalization of the surface of electrospun poly(epsilon-caprolactone) mats using zwitterionic poly(carboxybetaine methacrylate) and cell-specific peptide for endothelial progenitor cells capture. Mater Sci Eng C-Mater Biol Appl 2013, 33: 1646-53.

41. Zhang M, Wang K, Wang Z, Xing B, Zhao Q*, Kong D*. Small-diameter tissue engineered vascular graft made of electrospun PCL/Lecithin blend. J Mater Sci: Mater Med 2012, 23:2639-48.

42. Yang Z*, Zhao Q*, He Q*. Med Gas Res 2019, 9:170.

43.Zhao Q, Wang S*, Kong M, Geng W, Li RKY, Song C*, Kong D. Phase-morphology, physical properties, and biodegradation behavior of novel PLA/PHBHHx blends. J Biomed Mater Res 2012, 100B: 23-31.

44.Zhao Q, Zhang B, Quan H, Yam RCM, Yuen RKK, Li RKY*. Flame retardancy of rice husk-filled high-density polyethylene ecocomposites. Compos Sci Technol 2009, 69: 2675-81.

45. Zhao Q, Yam RCM, Zhang B, Yang Y, Cheng X, Li RKY*. Novel all-cellulose ecocomposites prepared in ionic liquids. Cellulose 2009, 16: 217-26. (Twenty most frequently requested scientific contributions in 2009)

46. Zhao Q, Tao J, Yam RCM, Mok ACK, Li RKY*, Song C*. Biodegradation behavior of polycaprolactone /rice husk ecocomposites in simulated soil medium. Polym Degrad Stab 2008, 93: 1571-6.

47. Zhao Q, Cheng G*, Song C, Zen Y, Tao J, Zhang L. Crystallization behavior and biodegradation of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) and poly(ethylene glycol) multiblock copolymers. Polym Degrad Stab 2006, 91: 1240-6.

48. Zhao Q, Cheng G*, Li H, Ma X, Zhang L. Synthesis and Characterization of biodegradable poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) and poly(ethylene glycol) multiblock copolymers. Polymer 2005, 46: 10561-7.

49. Zhao Q, Cheng G*. Preparation of biodegradable poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) and poly(ethylene glycol) multiblock copolymers. J Mater Sci 2004, 39: 3829-31.


1. Zhao Q, Cheng G*. Biodegradable PHB/PEG derivatives and their degradation behavior. In: New Frontiers in Polymer Research Edited by Bregg RK. Nova Science Publishers Inc, New York, US, 2006, p99-124.

2. Zhao Q*. Applications of Injectable Smart Materials in Tissue Engineering. In: Smart Materials for Tissue Engineering: Applications, Edited by Wang Q. RSC, UK, 2017, p67-89.

3. Wang K, Cui W, Wei Y, Zhu M, Zhao Q, Kong D*. Regeneration of Blood Vessels. In: Polymeric Biomaterials for Tissue Regeneration, Edited by Gao C. Springer, Switzerland, 2016, p315-51.

4. Shafiq M, Yan H, Midgley AC, Wang K, Zhao Q, Kong D*. The Incorporation and Release of Bioactive Molecules in Vascular Grafts. In: Tissue-Engineered Vascular Grafts, Edited by Walpoth B H, et al. Springer Nature, Switzerland, 2020, p411-28.

5. Wang H, Zhao Q*. Fabrication and evaluation of tissue-engineered vascular grafts with hybrid fibrous structure. In: Vascular Tissue Engineering,  Edited by Zhao F and Leong KW. Springer, Switzerland, 2020, in press.

6. 赵强,冯国伟,朱大帅,王飞,张然,叶开,李莉,高方莉,孔德领*. 《再生医学:生物材料与组织再生》第十八章—缺血性疾病的组织再生,付小兵,Nicholas A Peppas,顾晓松主编,人民卫生出版社,20219.


1. 赵强,孔德领,张计敏,王淑芳. 酶催化可控释放一氧化氮的新型生物材料及其制备方法与应用, 中国发明专利, 专利号: ZL201310296773.4.

2. 赵强,侯静丽,王贺,钱盟,朱大帅,秦康. 一种硝酸酯可降解生物活性材料及其制备方法与应用, 中国发明专利, 专利号: ZL201810739149.X.

3. 赵强,李宗金,冯国伟,张计敏,孔德领. 结合IGF-1C 多肽的可注射性水凝胶,中国发明专利, 专利号: ZL201510767646.7.


1. 孔德领,赵强,李宗金,杨志谋,丁丹,杨军,王淑芳,王恺,王玲,沈杰,张钧,生物活性材料在治疗缺血性疾病中的促血管再生作用,天津市自然科学一等奖, 20191030.

2. 赵强,柯亭羽,齐新,王连永,孔德领,李琦,贾文军,赵玲. 糖尿病并发心血管疾病新型疗法的基础与应用研究,天津市科技进步二等奖,20161019.

3. 李宗金,韩之波,齐新,刘娜,赵强,向荣,孔德领,范艳. 间充质干细胞及外泌体在组织再生中的应用与分子影像学评价,天津市科技进步二等奖202112.

4. 赵强. 南开大学第七届“良师益友”奖, 20167.

















Fundamental Research编委

Engineered Regeneration 副主编

Smart Materials in Medicine编委


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