


本课题组建立了完善的研究平台,用于探索感染、炎症及肿瘤免疫反应的分子机制,包括细胞、感染及自身免疫性疾病小鼠模型,完备的技术体系等。团队在曹雪涛院士的引领下,聚焦以下研究 (1)机体免疫系统抵抗病毒、细菌等病原微生物感染的机制,为感染疾病防治提供新的潜在靶点。(2)寻找感染及肿瘤发生发展工程中新型细胞亚群和分子,研究其生物学功能及作用机制,推动其转化应用。


  1. 在国内外获得博士学位的年限原则上不超过两年,品学兼优,身体健康,年龄35周岁以下。

  2. 作为第一作者在SCI收录的杂志上发表或被正式接收论著至少1篇,影响因子大于5

  3. 专业背景:免疫学,生物化学,细胞学及肿瘤学,熟练掌握分子生物学及免疫学研究领域的关键技术,具有较强的英语写作及口语表达能力。

  4. 热爱科研事业,具有探索及钻研精神,品行端正,具有良好的团队协作精神和较强的责任感。



  1. 课题组受到国家及多级科研项目的支持。强大的实验平台,鼓励创新及国际会议交流。

  2. 个人待遇将按照南开大学规定提供薪酬,并且提供各类社会保险和住房公积金,安排住宿。


请应聘者将本人的简历及发表的文章于2019年2月16日前发送至 email:xxqdata@163.com


曹雪涛院士南开免疫学实验室拟招聘博士后2-3名,本实验室主要致力于天然免疫反应、自身免疫及肿瘤免疫机制的研究。本实验室从研究表观修饰为切入点,包括DNA修饰,RNA修饰,蛋白修饰及非编码RNA调控等,阐明免疫反应的分子机制。本课题组还致力于发现免疫细胞的新亚群,并阐明其生物学功能及作用机制。在曹雪涛院士的引领下,已经在在CellScienceNatureNature ImmunologyNature communicationHepatology J. Exp. MedPNAS国际知名杂志等发表论文。

                                                       Postdoctoral positions in Immunology

Job Description:

Postdoctoral positions majored in immunology is available in laboratory of Professor Xuetao Cao in College of Life Science, Nankai University. Our group focuses on innate response, inflammation and tumor immunotherapy. We have strong team to support our investigations in these areas of immunology.The successful candidates will be involved in the following projects:

lThe detail mechanisms are involved in antivirus or antibacterial innate immune response by epigenetic regulation including DNA modification, RNA modification, PTM and the function of long non-coding RNA. These studies will provide novel targets to treat infection diseases.

lThe detail mechanisms are involved in autoimmune diseases by high throughput sequence, CRISPR/Cas9 technique or generation of autoimmune diseases mouse models.

lDiscovery of novel subsets of immune cell in tumor immune response or antivirus or antibacterial immune response by CyTOF or single cell sequencing.

Principal Responsibilities:

lLead a research project related to inflammation, infection, autoimmune response or tumor immune response.

lparticipate in laboratory activities and collaborative projects

ltraining master or PhD. candidates in laboratory

Required Qualifications:

lHighly motivated and creative individuals with a PhD obtained no more than two years.

lProductive record of research and publications.

lCandidates majored in Immunology, Biochemistry, Molecular biology, Cell biology or Oncology. Proficient in basic techniques of Molecular Biology and Immunology.

lStrong ability of English writing and oral communication skills. Capable of working effectively with collaborators.

Nankai University is an equal opportunity employer, and payment is according to guidelines for Postdoctoral Fellows of Nankai University.


Contact us:

Please submit your complete application documents including (CV, motivation letter, recommendation letter, publications) before February 16, 2019 via email to:

Dr. Xiaoqing Xu


College of Life Science

Nankai University

No.94 Weijin Road, Nankai District, Tianjin, P.R.China  300071